Due Diligence Report gives Halton Lune Hydro a green light

Due Diligence Report gives Halton Lune Hydro a green light

We decided that, in addition to our own careful calculations and those of several independent contractors, that we would commission an independent ‘Due Diligence’ report to check that we are on the right track with our project, given that we haven’t had a bank carry out their own due diligence procedure.. We chose Kate Gilmartin from the Micro Hydro Association and ‘My Green Investment‘ because of her experience of many other micro hydro projects in the UK, including several other community ones.
We are very pleased to share the final conclusion that:

This assessment has shown that the hydro scheme is a valid investment opportunity. The assessment has shown the technical approach of Halton Lune Hydro to be robust…However, with this investment, the rate of return figures can only be used as indicative, due to the many variables discussed. This report has determined that even under extreme modelled conditions, where the scheme generates significantly less than anticipated, the project should still provide a return that is comparable to other smaller hydro projects.

You can download a full copy of the report here

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